Saturday, April 23, 2011

How To "Read" Your Fingernails To Prevent Heart Disease, Lung Cancer And Liver Damage

You've heard of reading palms and reading tarot cards... but reading fingernails? This may sound like a really weird gypsy sideshow at a carnival, but reading your fingernails is a scientifically proven way to detect certain illnesses that may be brewing in your body. And if you can develop your eye and spot the signs, you could save yourself a whole lot of trouble.
You see, a variety of diseases produce telltale changes in the nails. In the most extreme cases these can include heart disease, respiratory problems including lung cancer and liver damage. Doctors should check your nails as part of a physical examination but in reality few of them do so. So we've compiled a quick checklist to help you keep an eye out for abnormalities yourself...
Clubbing: This is where the nail and skin around the nail bed becomes rounded and bulbous. This can indicate respiratory problems such as lung cancer and emphysema, or heart disease.Try this self-test: place your index fingers together so that the surface of each nail is pressed against the surface of the other nail and the first joint of each finger are touching. When viewed from the side, normal nails leave a small diamond-shaped gap at the nail base. Clubbed nails leave little or no gap at all.
Spoon-shaped nails: A healthy nail has a convex shape to it, curving over the nail bed. If the nail dips in the other direction, concave, then it is possible that there is an iron deficiency or anaemia. Nails that are very pale can also indicate anaemia.
Oncholysis: In this condition, the nail separates from the underlying nail bed and can be evidence of an over or under active thyroid.
Red cuticles: Bright red coloration of the skin around the cuticles can be evidence of lupus or other connective tissue disease. Red nails, on the other hand, can be another sign of heart disease.
White spots: White spots on the nails often reveal zinc or vitamin A deficiency. Whiteness all over the nails, however, can be a sign of cirrhosis of the liver.
Dark splinters: The appearance of dark specks in the nails that look like splinters can be a sign of endocarditis - an infection of the heart valves.
Yellowing: Yellow nails that occur in conjunction with swelling of the face and legs can be evidence of chronic sinusitis or persistent lung disease.
Horizontal or vertical ridges
After injury or infection, nails can develop horizontal ridges. Vertical ridges are most often related to old age, possible due to the mal-absorption of vitamins A, B complex and C, calcium, magnesium, zinc and essential fatty acids.
What else can your nails tell you?
Modern palmists believe that as well as the length and course of lines on the hand, knuckles and nails can also be an additional source of information for hand reading. By studying the nails, palmists and chiromancers predict health and future events in a person's life. According to them, different nail types can give us an indication of personality or even determine your fate! Use this guide to see what your future holds (and, more importantly, judge how people you meet are likely to behave).
  • People with short nails... lack patience, are obstinate and can be narrow-minded. On the flip side they can be exciting to be around too!
  • People with large nails... equal in length and width... are serious by nature. They plan their work perfectly and achieve success in any field.
  • People with nails wider than their length are analytical as well as highly successful in literature, music and academically. Unfortunately, they also enjoy arguing with others...
  • People with long, thin nails... are cheats to the core. They are liars and gamblers and are always dogged by poverty.
  • People with round nails... are kind, frank and well-mannered. They are diligent and prudent people who are self-reliant.
The discoloration and marks on the nails we analysed from a medical stand point above are also interpreted entirely differently by pal readers...
Index finger
A white crescent on the nail of the index finger indicates progress and profit. If there is a black spot on this nail it indicates a sudden loss of wealth and possible a business loss. If the opposite occurs and a white spot appears then the person will have a financial windfall and command increased respect.
Middle finger
A white spot and crescent on the nail of the middle finger means that the person is going to travel, as well as become prosperous. If there is a black spot somebody close to the person will help you in times of trouble.
Ring finger
If there is a white spot on this finger then the person may take an interest in religious activities or study. If there is a black spot the person may suffer harmful allegations.
The Bottom Line: Learning how to read your nails could help you spot early health warning signs... it could even help you spot how people are likely to behave towards you! So keep this guide to hand.

Weight Gain Diet Tips

Foods That Help You To Gain Weight
Many people are unhappy with the shape of their bodies and feel like they would like to gain weight or build muscle. When attempting to gain weight it is important to know the foods and diets which will help you to do it in a controlled and healthy way.
There is a right way and a wrong way to put on weight. If you eat foods that are loaded with fats and sugars then you will surely add pounds, but you will most likely go too far and become overweight. This will affect your health and will put you at a greater risk of developing, amongst other things, heart disease and diabetes.
The safer and correct way to gain weight is through a sensible program of exercise and healthy eating. There is a very simple rule that if you consistently consume more calories than you burn off each day then gradually you will see a weight gain. The important factor is knowing the right types of nutritious foods to eat to provide the calories you need.
In order to gain weight in a healthy way you basically want to cut fatty foods out of your diet and replace them with foods which are high in protein and carbohydrates. Rice, pasta, potatoes, whole grain bread, cereal, fruits, and vegetables are all carbohydrate rich foods which are useful additions to a weight gaining diet.
Protein rich foods must also be consumed for successful weight gain. Red meat, white meat such as chicken and turkey, egg whites, and fish both fresh and canned are all good sources of protein. There are differing opinions as to what level of protein intake is required, although body-builders consume huge amounts to maintain their physiques.
In terms of what drinks you can have to gain weight then milk and protein shakes are an obvious answer because of their high protein content. Fruit juices are another healthy option, but sugar rich drinks such as sodas should be avoided.
In order to maximize the effectiveness of these weight building foods they must be eaten at the right times. It is advisable to eat regular small meals throughout the day rather than three large ones. You should eat about an hour before exercising to provide you with the energy to get through the workout. It is good to leave at least two hours in between meals to allow for proper digestion.
Eating fresh fruit and vegetables can aid with digestion, and in fact they have weight gaining properties of their own. By eating your recommended daily allowance of five portions a day you will receive valuable vitamins and nutrients to maintain good health.
By sticking to a diet of healthy nutritious foods and regular exercise there is no doubt that you will be able to gain weight and muscle.

Health Benefits Of Appropriate Weight Management

Maintaining proper weight or more importantly the requisite healthy amount of fat deposits in the body with respect to individual height, sex and age is an important factor in well being, productivity, excellent relationships and self esteem in these modern times. Extra excess pounds affect us negatively in all respects. Extra fat has profound negative effect and consequences on the back and lower limbs which tend to exacerbate major illnesses like arthritis and endocrine disorders that affect many especially women. Excess fats also tend to reverse even the pace of success as it may stifle motivation and lead to potential opportunistic infections and diseases.
With the right weight comes healthier blood pressure and cholesterol levels which are all beneficial to the heart and anything that helps the heart indeed helps the general health pattern. So it's your duty to consciously protect yours and of loved ones on a long term basis for full benefits. The greatest asset indeed ever remains good health as any wise person can attest. Conversely, with good cardiac health comes decreased risk of associated ailments as well as limited adverse effects of diseases like diabetes. It is germane to note a balanced healthy slim body is vital for emotional and psychological health. In many cases being overly heavier leads to low self esteem and mood swings with disturbing effects it ultimately affects work, creativity and relationships. Weight issues have indeed contributed in great measure to couples breaking up and it affects twice women as men.
Due to the female anatomical system which stores more fat than that of men-women tend to be fatter this makes it more important for women to manage weight issues more seriously. Problems begin when the man starts complaining and if the spouse isn't apt in taking action by making self analysis, a negative chain reaction follows suit and compounds everything. The rest is left to imagination as I'm sure many have experienced this outright or witnessed same from colleagues, friends or family. Conversely women have also been known to put their spouses on gyms and diets just to make their partners to a desired level. Besides not being physically healthy, not feeling it or looking it also directly and adversely affects well being.
The road to achieving weight loss requires tremendous effort and attention. The accumulated unhealthy deposits of fat and unhealthy cholesterol may not have automatically appeared overnight. In the same vein getting rid of the excess ought to be considered a steady gradual process. It's the journey not the destination that counts most like any other positive undertaking. It takes education and commitment using the best resources to attain optimal health generally. There are lots of products in the market that promise shedding pounds and pounds in record tome-some do but with unpleasant side effects while some may boomerang later by gaining the weight back and sometimes with additional. Crash diets that also highlight dramatic changes should be well scrutinized before using from specialty meals to glycemic diets. It's your duty and in your best interest to make well informed choices in order to achieve real results.
A basic point to note is the effect of weight on proper metabolism and metabolism which is the sum total of chemical reactions by the action of hormones and enzymes determine good health standards. The less excess fat in the body, the more muscle mass and firmed up a person becomes which of course adds to not only looking better but feeling it as well. This also leads to gaining more opportunities from folks and society in general because it's subconsciously appreciated. Bottomline is you win in all respects.
Excess weight kills, destroys and impedes success. Because accumulated unharnessed fat is solely responsible for this though there may be underlying disorders causing the trend. Blood sugar is converted to fat if not efficiently utilized by the body which indicates the overwhelming rise in diabetic complications among susceptible persons. There is a healthy percentage that serves as guidance to both men and women. The healthy percentage for body fat for healthy men is seventeen percent while for active healthy women it's around twenty five per cent. Anything more than this poses threats and should be checked accordingly. One of the most alarming trends obviously visible is the case of obese children which is equally on the rise. Parents and guardians need to be active to check this. There are peculiar products and approaches to children's weight loss which should be committedly harnessed. Healthy weight as opposed to skinny unhealthy weight could be the most important health benefit of this age. Check and take care of yours pragmatically and wisely.

Why It Is Better to Have Your Children Admitted to a Children's Hospital Than a Regular Hospital

Children are not to be treated like little adults when it comes to providing medical care. Their differences to adults lie in their physical maturity, perception and communication, and effects of term care and medication. Children are still undergoing many changes in all aspects of growth. This, therefore, calls for special health care from doctors and nurses who specialize in pediatrics.
Individuals who wish to work at children's hospitals must receive specialty training in children's health. Pediatricians receive in depth education on pediatrics for at least six years. Pediatric specialists allot three years in fellowships or internships. Registered nurses also get into internship programs and take additional supplemental nursing courses related to children's medical care. They may also focus on other related fields in children's health like neonatal nursing- nursing care for newborns (babies up to 30 days) with health problems and premature babies.
Physical growth of adults and children are completely different. Children's growth is still on-going and this fact must be taken into account by medical professionals. They need to make sure that whatever medications, procedures or treatment they give and form will not give any adverse effects on the natural physiological and psychological development of children.
The structure and functions of a child's body is different to an adult. Children have not reached their full potential and are often more vulnerable to diseases. The size of their body is smaller than that of an adult which is why when performing surgeries, it is important that the tools and equipment used are specially designed for use of children. Diseases that afflict children and treatments used for them usually are different to those for adults.
Illnesses which affect children are sometimes life threatening to them; but harmless to adults. One example is the Respiratory Syncitial Virus which seems like a common cold to adults but is fatal in some cases to children. There are also many diseases that only children are vulnerable to.
Often in children's hospitals, it can be seen that they utilize instruments and equipment designed for children's use; this can be seen in smaller versions of IV lines, needles and respirators.
It is important for health care providers in this particular setting to have good communication and perception skills of children. Involvement of parents in the care and treatment of children is highly encouraged.
Children's hospitals have a colourful and often whimsical environment to give children a sense of home and security. There are also Child Life Specialists that assist in reducing anxiety of children and providing support to physicians, nurses and families.

Easy Ways to Improve Your Posture

One certainly cannot underestimate the importance of a good posture. Apart from the health issue, maintaining a bad posture also makes you appear less confidence and older than you are. On the contrary, a good posture will make you appear slimmer, younger and more confident. Over all a good posture creates a great first impression. Not everyone is blessed with an amazing body posture. However it is nothing that you can't work on. In the following lines, we will discuss about easy ways to improve your posture.
First and foremost understand what a good posture is. Most people have several misconceptions about what a good body posture is. So the first step is to understand where you are going wrong in maintaining a good posture and what is exactly a good posture. Only then will you be able to know what you are supposed to work towards. Many people say that wearing high healed shoes will improve your posture. But how true is this theory? Wearing high heals will not only make you appear taller than you really are, but it will also impel you to walk with your back straight. However again this is not one of the healthiest ways to improve your posture. Exercising and yoga are the best ways by which you can improve you posture.
Concentrate on exercises that strengthen your upper back and shoulders. Often people tend to concentrate only on work outs and simply skip yoga. Just remember, as important as it is to exercise, it is also important to spend some time on meditation and yoga. Just like how a workout is a exercise for your body, yoga is an exercise for your mind. See that you stretch your whole body at regular intervals, especially in the morning. It will not just help your posture, but will also improve your flexibility. If you want to indulge in hobbies, practicing dance forms like ballet and salsa will be instrumental in working on your posture. Use footwear that is more comfortable than just looking stylish. Unless you are comfortable in what you are wearing, you will find it really hard to maintain a good posture.
Apart from making you appear confident, a good posture reduces the risk of your body having an injury, simply because your whole body is in one proper alignment. Again it also increases the energy levels of your body, because of a good airflow passing through your body. This probably explains why people are so obsessed about improving their posture.

Become Healthier With Walk Training - Important Facts You Need to Be Aware Of

Walking is one of the best cardiovascular exercises. It's easy, convenient and free. It's low-impact and unlike running, does not pose as much injury to the joints. However, like any workout regimen, a successful walking workout requires a great deal of motivation. If you don't have a goal for your walk, you can't expect to stick long with your walking workout. You also need to be motivated so you can tailor your walk training plan to fit your needs and purpose.
Begin by asking yourself why you want to walk. Do you want to do it because you want to prevent cardiovascular disease and stay healthy or do you want to do it because you want to enjoy the great outdoors? Or maybe you want to put on your walking shoes because you need to lose weight? Whether it's any of these reasons or a combination of them all, the intensity of your walk and the frequency will largely be determined by the goal that fuels it.
Then, schedule your first walk. Make a big deal of it. It would be ideal if you can begin your walk on a weekend or when you will have the rest of the day free. This way, you don't have to rush and can take all the time you need. Since this is your first walk, you might want to take your time and regulate your pace. Don't rush.
You walk training plan should also include an unwritten rule to walk when and where you can. Find the time to walk to and from work. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. These changes may not count much when you think about it but when you add up all your walking minutes, you will notice that they work to bring you closer to your goals.
The most important aspect of your walk training plan is your weekly schedule. Make sure that you include the time you started and ended your workout, the number of steps you took and your impressions about each walk. Also, see to it that you include rest times as well as other activities you might want to incorporate in your training regimen.
Vary your walks. Learn the different kinds of walking exercises. Learn how to do power walks, interval walks or a leisurely stroll. Strive to improve your walking technique each time you walk. When you continue to become aware of how your body moves, you will eventually develop what is known as "walking efficiency." You will be able to exercise more muscles in far less time.
If you must buy any equipment to help you gauge the efficiency of your walking workouts, it is recommended that you invest in a pedometer. It's a device that measures the number of steps you take in a day. Aside from the fact that it makes recording your workouts easier and more objective, studies show that those who wear a pedometer are encouraged to walk more.
Finally, if you want to engage in a walking regimen, don't procrastinate. Outline your walk training plan and get walking today!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What Does It Mean If I Have a Deviated Septum?

The nose is a functional part of our bodies that serves the purpose of allowing us to breath. At rest, most people breath through their noses. Breathing through the nose humidifies the outside air before it enters our lungs, so that we can breath comfortably at rest.
The internal parts of the nose allow air to move from the outside into the lungs while humidifying the outside air. The inside of the nose is divided into a left and right side. The septum is the divider within the nose that separates the left from the right side. You can see the bottom part of the septum between your left and right nostrils.
The septum is made of cartilage and bone. In many people parts of the cartilage and bone may not be completely straight. This is what is referred to as a deviated septum.
The main manifestation of a deviated septum would be difficulty breathing through one or both sides of your nose. Whether or not you have symptoms will depend on where the deviation is located. Some people may have a deviation without any problems breathing, while others have significant problems breathing through the nose. This is called nasal obstruction.
Nasal obstruction has several different possible causes, a deviated septum being one of the most frequent. It is important to meet with and be examined by a qualified nasal physician to determine if a deviated septum is the cause of your nasal obstruction. Fortunately, the majority of people with nasal obstruction from a deviated septum can be improved with either medications or surgery. A septoplastyis the name of the procedure designed to fix a deviated septum. The cause of your nasal obstruction will be discussed with you when you meet with your nasal surgeon as well was the medical and surgical options.